Precious Metals

X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometry is a powerful tool for determining the composition of precious metal alloys. It offers a combination of speed, accuracy and breadth of information. If you are a vendor or distributor, this technology can be used to check the quality and consistency of both finished and unfinished precious metal alloys from your suppliers. If you are a buyer or prospective seller, or are trying to assess the value of a collection or estate that includes precious metals, this technology can identify bogus/counterfeit products and help with the appraisal process.

Ultra-Xray Services offer a fully confidential service for those holding gold, silver and platinum group precious metals either at a disclosed or non-disclosed location.

  • Purity assessment (fineness)
  • Void detection
  • Hallmark verification
  • Gold plating identification
  • Elemental composition
  • Prospecting sample analysis
  • Identification of pathfinder elements for auriferous, argentiferous & platiniferous samples